Cryptocurrency & Currency Converter

Find out the latest exchange rate for all major world currency pairs quickly and easily

Quickly see currency rates against all world currencies with an updated, live interbank rate feed Currency Converter here.

This is an ideal tool for investors who trade on international stock exchanges with different currencies. Easily convert precisely with several base currencies, cryptocurrencies, precious metals into your desired currency. 

How to Use the Cryptocurrency & Currency Converter

Select From: In this field you will type in the ISO code of the currency desired. You will see several options available, ranging from major, minor and exotic foreign exchange pairs, including top cryptocurrencies (BTC, DOGE, ETH, LTC, XRP, XLM, etc.) and precious metals like Gold and Silver. 

For our example, we will select the GBP. 

step 1

step 2

Select To: For this field, type in the ISO code of the currency you wish to be exchanged. You will see the same options are available from major and minor forex pairs, popular cryptocurrencies and precious metals

We will choose the EUR in our example. 

step 3

Select Amount: Here we will type in the amount we want to convert.

We’ll choose to type in 500 for our example.

step 4

Results: The currency and cryptocurrency converter will use interbank real-time feed to calculate the result. For our example, 500 GBP, with a current exchange rate of 1.13100 GBP/EUR, is converted into 565.50 EUR.

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